

30 Sep 2018 Day tour around Tahiti Nui (big Island) Venus Point where Captain Cook observe transit of Venus in 1769. Lighthouse was added later. Hawaiian red ginger plant, botanic gardens. 2 Oct  Departing Papeete After previous day mooching about and visiting market, pearl museun etc we joined our cruise ship Aranui 5. Greeted on board with a morning rum and orange, accompanied by a singing and dancing group, a lot like Maoris. Set sail about 10 am into strong winds and heavy seas. Managed lunch with wine but we both decided along with 50% of passengers to skip dinner. This was quite wise judging by the stories of mishaps on the staircase. 3 Oct Anchored in large atoll of Fakarava and able to swim, though water was stirred up a bit by the weather. Wandered through village of Rotoava. We managed dinner that night. 4 Oct At sea. Attended on lecture and read our books and enjoyed settling in. 5 Oct  Arrived at Nuka Hiva and hiked into Taioha...


10 Oct - Ua Huka Vaipaee Bay Highlight of today was the monoeuver to moor ship in the narrow bay. Ship reversed in, dropped acnhor and mooring ropes secured each side to hold it in position. The seamen took the risk in their stride, and even managed to extracate from near miss when prop became snagged in mooring rope. Luckily engine restarted and prop still rotated. Ua Huka is the only island in the group which is rat free. They are trying hard to maintain this status to protect wildlife habitat particularly the Blue Lorrikeet. This little dog was trained in New Zealand to detect rats in cargo leaving ship. Kapok pod open. We were all taken around in a fleet of 4WDs to various sites, including a museum and yet another feast of a lunch. We are getting quite used to eating now. A short but steep hike to an archeological site helped us burn off a bit. Tiki with male part intact. Missionarys had managed to have most old tikis emasculated. 12 Oct -...